Eis Sortiment
Ice Cream Assortment
Unser neues Angebot zum Sommer | Just in time for summer our new offer
Langnese Softeis
Langnese Soft Ice
- Vanille | Vanilla
- Vanille und Karamell | Vanilla and Caramel
- Erdbeere | Strawberry
- Stracciatella
- Galaxy
Preis | Price
- Zusätzlich zur Softeis Maschine werden verschiedene Sorten von Eis am Stiel angeboten.
- Diese sind in der Eistruhe zu finden.
Preis variiert
Ice Cream Freezer
- In addition to the soft ice cream machine, various types of ice cream on a stick are offered.
- These are in the ice cream freezer.
Price varies